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Insights from Access Mercantile on the Evolving Landscape of Collections

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In the dynamic domain of collections, it's essential to stay ahead by understanding operational challenges and emerging trends. Here are some key insights we're currently observing in the industry:

  1. Customer Engagement: Engaging customers remains a significant challenge. With more customers becoming unresponsive and teams working with limited tools, there’s a growing need for innovative engagement strategies.
  2. Resource and Cost Pressures: Organizations are facing increased financial pressures and higher volumes of collections, especially due to rising hardship cases. This calls for more efficient resource allocation and cost-effective solutions.
  3. Repayment Strategies: While digital strategies are pivotal in collections, they do not fully address repayment commitment issues. A blend of digital and human touchpoints is crucial for improving repayment rates and customer satisfaction.
  4. Operational Challenges: Compliance continues to be a substantial burden, requiring robust frameworks to ensure efficiency and mitigate risks.

Access Mercantile is at the forefront of addressing these challenges with innovative solutions designed to enhance client delivery and experience. Here's how we're actively supporting our clients:

  • Knock2Engage: This tool facilitates customer engagement, improving response rates and customer experience.  Our clients are increasingly utising Knock2Engage beyond traditional collection activities, for example reconnecting with customers who have stopped responding during an application for hardship.
  • Comprehensive Collection Resources: We offer unique end-to-end collection resources, supporting overflow volumes and extending reach.
  • Balanced Approach: By combining digital and human interactions, to gain customer commitment, human interactions add a crucial personal touch, fostering trust and understanding
  • Compliance Excellence: Access Mercantile is fully compliant, addressing regulatory requirements with robust frameworks, including our recent elevation to the higher ISO27001:2022 standard.

  Let’s discuss how we can help your organisation navigate these complexities and improve your collections outcomes.